Monday, July 6, 2015


Alright, so, I am planning to (eventually) purchase a chinchilla. throughout the time that I have been looking up information on living/eating conditions for a chinchilla (etc...) I have slowly learnt that most Chinchilla owners are the biggest assholes in the world... ...i swear, they go around Youtube, looking for people to post videos on Chinchillas so they can bitch about them. So I am going to bitch about the owners for a bit... ...FIRST: They Complain that the Chinchilla owner in the video is doing something wrong. It's a god damn animal, so it IS alive and it likes some things and dislikes others, like most livings, and those likes and dislikes could differ from from another rodent...or whatever... SECOND: This is more of a personal annoyance more than anything- But - They say things like "He/She doesn't like that!" HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT PERSON KNOW!? They do not have any way of communicating with them, Obviously, there are things that no thing would enjoy -like pain- where was I going with this?...Oh Yeah! Stay Out Of My Booze!

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